Homestead High School Alumni
Cupertino, California (CA)
Sarah Hughes
Homestead High School
Class of 2002
→ Join 3531 Alumni from Homestead High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 62 classes, starting with the class of 1900 all the way up to class of 2023.
Class of 2002 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 27 class of 2002 alumni that have joined.
Karina Ruiz Delgado
Class of 1998
Kit Pham
Class of 1992
Carly Servella
Class of 1968
Patricia Mcmanus
Class of 1967
Steve Jobs
Class of 2012
Ron Bates
Class of 1967
Aditya Bandi
Class of 2006
Larry Dockins
Class of 1969
Sally Haven
Class of 1971
John Smith
Class of 1998
Diane Filippini
Class of 1978
Mary Swendle
Class of 2001
Debra Jarvis
Class of 1972
Kathy Lunde
Class of 1968
Kean Towle
Class of 2020
Michael Holm
Class of 1973
Richard Lawyer
Class of 1975
Stan Hook
Class of 1971
Michael Barsness
Class of 1973
Laura Davis
Class of 1983
John Mersberg
Class of 1976
Romain Nancy Roberts
Class of 1968
Bob Baker
Class of 1971
Ulysses Doan
Class of 2010
Recent Class of 2002 Reunions
Plan a Class of 2002 Reunion for Free
Class of 1983 Reunion
Invited Classes: All Classes
Date: Oct 14, 2023
Description: Hey Class of 1983! We have 1 week before the reunion! The reunion will be held at Charley's (formerly Mountain Charle...(read more)