Howard S Billings High School Alumni
Chateauguay, Quebec (QC)
Howard S Billings High School - Class of 1982 Alumni, Chateauguay QC
Join 33 alumni from Howard S Billings High School Class of 1982. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Eva Soos
Class of 1982

Eva Soos
Class of 1982

Greg Judd
Class of 1982

Gary Gary Greene
Class of 1982

George Vourantonis
Class of 1982

Richard Mason
Class of 1982

Grant Harris
Class of 1982

Warren Riddell
Class of 1982

Stephen Lewis
Class of 1982

Michael Reid
Class of 1982

Virginia Allen
Class of 1982

Alma Nall
Class of 1982

David B
Class of 1982

Line Sylvain
Class of 1982

Mark Benoit
Class of 1982

Eric Rohar
Class of 1982

Alan Richardson
Class of 1982

Gordon Vincent
Class of 1982

Susan Culham
Class of 1982

Kevin Epps
Class of 1982

Darlene Buckley
Class of 1982

Denise Faria
Class of 1982

Joan Ritchie
Class of 1982

Richard Leduc
Class of 1982

James Hall
Class of 1982

Geoffrey Simmonds
Class of 1982

Steve Lewis
Class of 1982

Teresa Mcisaac
Class of 1982

James Lighter
Class of 1982

Brian Marsan
Class of 1982

Jill Holden
Class of 1982

John Bourgeois
Class of 1982

Adam Van Sertima
Class of 1982
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