Howard S Billings High School Alumni
Chateauguay, Quebec (QC)
Howard S Billings High School - Class of 1996 Alumni, Chateauguay QC
Join 11 alumni from Howard S Billings High School Class of 1996. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Stacey Williams
Class of 1996

Dwayne Dwayne Thomas
Class of 1996

Patricia Patricia Johnson
Class of 1996

Carole Carole Proulx
Class of 1996

Clay Kirby
Class of 1996

Melanie Horrocks
Class of 1996

Lynn Lazette
Class of 1996

Tanaieta Loft
Class of 1996

Randy Montour
Class of 1996

Evan Chenier
Class of 1996

Annie Bourassa
Class of 1996
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