Hueytown High School Alumni

Hueytown, Alabama (AL)

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Alisha Durrance (Alisha Hamrick)

Hueytown High School
Class of 1982

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→ There are 80 classes, starting with the class of 1930 all the way up to class of 2024.


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First Name Alisha
Last Name Durrance
Maiden Name Hamrick
Graduation Year Class of 1982
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province FL
Country United States
Occupation homemaker/aerobics instructor
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory cheerleading and gymnastics
About Me taught fitness classes at various health clubs, raised two children, been married 23 years and counting, work for my husband's medical consulting firm, I am currently getting a degree to become a paralegal
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Class of 1982 Alumni

→ Reunite with 52 class of 1982 alumni that have joined.

Hannah Mauldin

Hannah Mauldin
Class of 2016

Ronald Miller

Ronald Miller
Class of 1976

Mary Knight

Mary Knight
Class of 1938

Vivian Burchfield

Vivian Burchfield
Class of 1980

Vicki Walker

Vicki Walker
Class of 1985

Kathy Southall

Kathy Southall
Class of 1988

Philip Graham

Philip Graham
Class of 2006

Ashley Anderson

Ashley Anderson
Class of 2002

Mary Nell Beam

Mary Nell Beam
Class of 1978

Jason Champion

Jason Champion
Class of 1999

Tammy Lambert

Tammy Lambert
Class of 1978

Carol Pearson

Carol Pearson
Class of 1967

Carmen Davis

Carmen Davis
Class of 1994

Cheryl Perkins

Cheryl Perkins
Class of 1988

Cindy Ray

Cindy Ray
Class of 1990

Adrienne Cauthens

Adrienne Cauthens
Class of 1997

Heather Hovey

Heather Hovey
Class of 2001

Sandra (sandy) Glasgow

Sandra (sandy) Glasgow
Class of 1966

Tara King

Tara King
Class of 1998

Wesley Scott

Wesley Scott
Class of 2005

Richard Bolin

Richard Bolin
Class of 1963

Ginger Franklin

Ginger Franklin
Class of 1980

Tina Roper

Tina Roper
Class of 1986

Brandi Edwards

Brandi Edwards
Class of 2002