Hueytown High School Alumni

Hueytown, Alabama (AL)

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Carmen Tabb (Carmen Garrett)

Hueytown High School
Class of 1989

→ Join 3059 Alumni from Hueytown High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 80 classes, starting with the class of 1930 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Carmen
Last Name Tabb
Maiden Name Garrett
Graduation Year Class of 1989
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province AL
Country United States
Occupation microphotographer
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory the pep rallys
About Me working in the business field being married for 20yrs have a good life
No photo uploaded

Class of 1989 Alumni

→ Reunite with 46 class of 1989 alumni that have joined.

Ginger Franklin

Ginger Franklin
Class of 1980

Donna Gardiner

Donna Gardiner
Class of 1964

Melissa Rogers

Melissa Rogers
Class of 1969

Sheila Boone

Sheila Boone
Class of 1971

Craig Downing

Craig Downing
Class of 1987

Amie Burrage

Amie Burrage
Class of 2001

Cathy Gilberton

Cathy Gilberton
Class of 1982

Pamela Shugrue

Pamela Shugrue
Class of 1972

Paul Blackwell

Paul Blackwell
Class of 1995

Timothy Marks

Timothy Marks
Class of 1994

Emily Rainey

Emily Rainey
Class of 2002

Andre Tyus

Andre Tyus
Class of 1997

Charlie Fanning

Charlie Fanning
Class of 1989

Gill Clark

Gill Clark
Class of 1970

Cathy Cargile

Cathy Cargile
Class of 1978

Frank David.

Frank David.
Class of 2002

Hannah Mauldin

Hannah Mauldin
Class of 2016

Donna Winstead

Donna Winstead
Class of 1965

Paul Hayes

Paul Hayes
Class of 1956

Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis
Class of 1973

Keonnie Hood

Keonnie Hood
Class of 1991

Shanae Jackson

Shanae Jackson
Class of 1998

Tim Johnston

Tim Johnston
Class of 1995

Brenda Hopper

Brenda Hopper
Class of 1972