Imlay City High School Alumni

Imlay City, Michigan (MI)

AlumniClass Home  >  Michigan  >  Imlay City High School  >  Class of 1992  >  Michelle Parker

Michelle Dunnington (Michelle Parker)

Imlay City High School
Class of 1992

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No photo uploaded
First Name Michelle
Last Name Dunnington
Maiden Name Parker
Graduation Year Class of 1992
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province MI
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1992 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

Amanda Secord

Amanda Secord
Class of 1999

Tammy Baer

Tammy Baer
Class of 1988

Michele Collins

Michele Collins
Class of 1991

Jennifer Belanger

Jennifer Belanger
Class of 2006

Lucille Nettles

Lucille Nettles
Class of 1987

Nicole Ozmer

Nicole Ozmer
Class of 2004

Jonathan Wicks

Jonathan Wicks
Class of 1996

Julie Pakkala

Julie Pakkala
Class of 1987

Bonnie Vandenberg

Bonnie Vandenberg
Class of 1986

Anne Braidwood

Anne Braidwood
Class of 1964

Eric Rush

Eric Rush
Class of 2003

Dawn Stout

Dawn Stout
Class of 1992

Phyllis Rogers

Phyllis Rogers
Class of 1975

Deanna Godo

Deanna Godo
Class of 1983

Lynn Stapleton

Lynn Stapleton
Class of 1974

Janet Youngs

Janet Youngs
Class of 1963

Louis Sirois

Louis Sirois
Class of 1965

Aaron Fackler

Aaron Fackler
Class of 2012

Steve Braekevelt

Steve Braekevelt
Class of 1992

John Gormley

John Gormley
Class of 1988

Tim Grenanco

Tim Grenanco
Class of 1984

Cathy Charbeneau

Cathy Charbeneau
Class of 1973

Nancy Godo

Nancy Godo
Class of 1969

Christine Shevnock

Christine Shevnock
Class of 1987