Irvine High School Alumni
Irvine, California (CA)
Amy Check
Irvine High School
Class of 1994
→ Join 2196 Alumni from Irvine High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 47 classes, starting with the class of 1950 all the way up to class of 2024.
Class of 1994 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 27 class of 1994 alumni that have joined.
Jason Mills
Class of 1984
Teresa Andrews
Class of 1987
Mary Smith
Class of 1987
Mara Rosenwald
Class of 2003
Todd Gealy
Class of 1987
Rusty Jensen
Class of 1980
Julie Alvarez
Class of 1992
Tony Mcdaniel
Class of 1984
Louis Leveson
Class of 1984
Nick Nikolenko
Class of 1987
Stephen Knych
Class of 1998
Nancy Kim
Class of 1999
Dan Petros
Class of 1996
Rob Newton
Class of 1979
Monique Avellana
Class of 1989
Chris Farmer Sr.
Class of 1992
Philip Allega
Class of 1981
Joven Matias
Class of 1999
Robert Armstrong
Class of 1995
Chad Overton
Class of 1998
Bob Yan
Class of 1999
Kelly Donaghy
Class of 1984
Christopher Rush
Class of 1998
Katie Rinkel
Class of 1998
Recent Class of 1994 Reunions
Plan a Class of 1994 Reunion for Free
IHS Speech Reunion - Come see Rick Lara and the whole Speech Crew!!
Invited Classes: All Classes
Date: Nov 15, 2008
Description: We have over 60 IHS Speech Alumni already signed up and we know there are a ton more that would register if you only kne...(read more)