Irvine High School Alumni
Irvine, California (CA)
Kimberly Johnson
Irvine High School
Class of 2002
→ Join 2196 Alumni from Irvine High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 47 classes, starting with the class of 1950 all the way up to class of 2024.
Class of 2002 Alumni
→ Reunite with 43 class of 2002 alumni that have joined.
Maria Siler
Class of 2003
Greg Daumski
Class of 1993
David Allen Ibsen
Class of 1981
Michelle Torres
Class of 1988
Madeeha Kibriya
Class of 1998
Debbie Smith
Class of 1985
Cesar Barba
Class of 1999
Melissa Rab
Class of 2000
Ryan Patterson
Class of 1997
Chris Greinke
Class of 1993
Tom Stapp
Class of 1979
Amy Odell
Class of 1983
Neda Haghighi
Class of 1983
Bobbie Bobbie Howe
Class of 1979
Brittany Wilson
Class of 2004
Amber Boch
Class of 1996
Wai-yee Chan
Class of 1991
Lisa Widen
Class of 1987
Tri Le
Class of 1997
Stephen Elsbury
Class of 1979
David Wilson
Class of 1992
Sam Bartaluzzi
Class of 1996
Susanne Phillips
Class of 1986
Aj Di Cioccio
Class of 1993
Recent Class of 2002 Reunions
Plan a Class of 2002 Reunion for Free
IHS Speech Reunion - Come see Rick Lara and the whole Speech Crew!!
Invited Classes: All Classes
Date: Nov 15, 2008
Description: We have over 60 IHS Speech Alumni already signed up and we know there are a ton more that would register if you only kne...(read more)