J.j. Pearce High School Alumni

Richardson, Texas (TX)

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Sandra Bazarian (Sandra Bazarian)

J.j. Pearce High School
Class of 1982

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→ There are 54 classes, starting with the class of 1964 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Sandra
Last Name Bazarian
Maiden Name Bazarian
Graduation Year Class of 1982
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province GA
Country United States
Occupation Senior Manager, HRIS
Married No
No photo uploaded

Class of 1982 Alumni

→ Reunite with 75 class of 1982 alumni that have joined.

Margaret Paulson

Margaret Paulson
Class of 2003

Judy Robison-wittenback

Judy Robison-wittenback
Class of 1975

Mark Bultman

Mark Bultman
Class of 1988

Jake Rigdon

Jake Rigdon
Class of 1991

Lisa Ferlauto

Lisa Ferlauto
Class of 1987

Derrick Webb

Derrick Webb
Class of 1988

Bruce Hopewell

Bruce Hopewell
Class of 1971

Julie Denniston

Julie Denniston
Class of 1976

Ken Budjenska

Ken Budjenska
Class of 1970

Steve Wyzek

Steve Wyzek
Class of 1987

Jan Aliene James Lauderdale

Jan Aliene James Lauderdale
Class of 1972

Rigo Perez

Rigo Perez
Class of 2011

Stephen Chattaway

Stephen Chattaway
Class of 2002

Debra Reed

Debra Reed
Class of 1972

Jim Hutchinson Jim Hutchinson

Jim Hutchinson Jim Hutchinson
Class of 1983

Jason Carr

Jason Carr
Class of 1985

Jon Hopper

Jon Hopper
Class of 1978

S Rakofsky

S Rakofsky
Class of 1973

Deanna Jones

Deanna Jones
Class of 1989

Lori Weldon

Lori Weldon
Class of 1975

Clint Campagna

Clint Campagna
Class of 1976

Dazavion Wells

Dazavion Wells
Class of 2018

Garvin N Dewberry, Jr. Dewberry

Garvin N Dewberry, Jr. Dewberry
Class of 1978

Jeremy Miller

Jeremy Miller
Class of 1987