J.R. TUCKER High School Alumni

Richmond, Virginia (VA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

School & Community News

JRT -- Class of 1969

50th class reunion has been scheduled for OCT. 26th. If you have not already done so, please contact me for details @ 804-270-4960. Thanks! Dolly Faison Guyer

posted June 20th, 2019

JRT -- Class of 1969

50th class reunion has been scheduled for OCT. 12th. If you have not already done so, please contact me for details @ 804-270-4960. Thanks! Dolly Faison Guyer

posted April 24th, 2019

50th Anniversary

Come out and join the fun and celebrate Tucker's 50th Anniversary. Friday, 10/5/12 there will be a Tailgate and Football game (the cat bowl). Saturday, 10/6/12 will start with a golf tournament and end with a gala with dinner, music, casino, auction, memorabilia and much more. For more information check out www.jrtuckerptsa.com and click on 50th Anniversary. Email: 50th@jrtuckerptsa.com

posted August 9th, 2012

JR Tucker Class of '82 - 30th Year Reunion

Mark your calendars! Saturday, October 6, 2012 - 8pm to 1am at Popkins Tavern on Broad St, Richmond Va.

Please send your name, address, email, phone information to TuckerTIgers82@yahoo.com - we will be sending out information soon - you don't want to miss a fun filled event!!

If you are on - there is a group for our reunion - please join it! J.R. Tucker High School Class of 1982 30th Year Reunion

posted May 16th, 2012

50th Anniversary Celebration

Tucker High School's 50th Anniversary is being planned now. It's being planned for the Fall of 2012. We'd love to have you as part of the committee. Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm at the JRT library. The next meeting is 11/16 (Oct has already occurred) and we will not have a meeting in December.

posted October 15th, 2011

class of 1978

hey evenyone, why wait till the 40year reunion. some of us are trying to do something on a more regular time frame. This week is the Homecoming football game at Tucker(Oct.9) & on Sat. (Oct.10) a get together at Jiggs & Donna Gorden place.
E-mail me for more information.
Herb Dunford, Jr.

posted October 7th, 2009
The 2015-2016 school year is in full swing at J.R. TUCKER High School! The holidays are here along with all of the Tigers school events that come with them. Help keep your fellow J.R. TUCKER High School alumni informed of events in the community, fundraisers, new staff, grants, sports, safety classes, PTA events and more! Post your J.R. TUCKER High School school news here and give your fellow Tigers something to read about!

Posting your J.R. TUCKER High School news is easy! Enter the title for your article and all the details that explain what is happening. Please refrain from posting reunion information on this page.