James Madison High School Class Of 1972 50th Reunion
September 15th, 2022 6:00pm - 10:00pm
1775 E Mission Bay Drive
, San Diego
, California
, 92109
ticket prices
50th Reunion (per person) - $75.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Those of you Attending the Reunion, it has come to my attention that is the weekend of the Boat Races on Mission Bay. IF you plan on staying at the Resort, Let me know I have a link for 10% off rooms. You might want to start making your arrangements soon. It'll fill up fast.
Please make payment asap. Too keep this Venue, we need to pay installments
Checks Payable to:
Julia Hamilton "D'Adamo"
14932A S FoxPointe Drive
Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Recommended Hotels
Mission Bay Resort and Spa.
I have a link for 10% off if anyone chooses to stay here.
Kathryn Eggen '72 said:
Looking forward to it!
Report a ProblemMikayla Deloura '72 said:
Sorry but I won't be able to attend the reunion this time. The date of the reunion is 2 days before my husband and son's birthdays on the 17th. As much as I would like to attend, especially since it's the 50th, which is monumental, the double father/son birthday is an event in my family, and family is everything.
Hope all who can attend have a wonderful time.
Mikayla Anne (DeLoura) Pratt
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