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Jefferson Past Reunions
Browse through past Jefferson High School events to reminisce as you view photos taken at our reunions:

Recently Joined Saints

Ricky G Copeland Ricky G Copeland
Class of 1975
Class of 1975

Donald Hopper
Class of 1977
Class of 1977

Bev Reeves
Class of 1973
Class of 1973

Heather Heather Baca
Class of 2004
Class of 2004

Teresa Riggs
Class of 1986
Class of 1986

Terry Oman
Class of 1972
Class of 1972

Jeanne Jeanne L Fenter
Class of 1964
Class of 1964

Class of 1973
Class of 1973

Gabriel Baca
Class of 2008
Class of 2008

Dorothy Downing
Class of 1961
Class of 1961

Ronald Keller
Class of 1974
Class of 1974

Michael Michael L Malmgren
Class of 1971
Class of 1971