John Marshall High School Alumni

Rochester, Minnesota (MN)

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John Marshall High School - Class of 1971 Alumni, Rochester MN

Join 52 alumni from John Marshall High School Class of 1971. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Delores Stafford Delores Stafford

Delores Stafford Delores Stafford
Class of 1971

Louis Louis W Ziegler

Louis Louis W Ziegler
Class of 1971

Daniel Daniel Jensen

Daniel Daniel Jensen
Class of 1971

Liz Hepper

Liz Hepper
Class of 1971

Gary Dillehay

Gary Dillehay
Class of 1971

Jan Enderson

Jan Enderson
Class of 1971

Ted Lobby

Ted Lobby
Class of 1971

Robert Richling

Robert Richling
Class of 1971

Dan Klingbeil

Dan Klingbeil
Class of 1971

Jane Geyer

Jane Geyer
Class of 1971

Brian Lenz

Brian Lenz
Class of 1971

Kirk Rucker

Kirk Rucker
Class of 1971

Donna Dobiash

Donna Dobiash
Class of 1971

Rick Rick Krueger

Rick Rick Krueger
Class of 1971

Chuck Moehnke

Chuck Moehnke
Class of 1971

Susan Har

Susan Har
Class of 1971

Susan Har

Susan Har
Class of 1971

Richard Stuve

Richard Stuve
Class of 1971

Gary Hicks

Gary Hicks
Class of 1971

Virginia Archer

Virginia Archer
Class of 1971

Mark Tuttle

Mark Tuttle
Class of 1971

Jerald Werre

Jerald Werre
Class of 1971

Julie Shannon Julie Shannon Hedgecock

Julie Shannon Julie Shannon Hedgecock
Class of 1971

Denyse Denyse Hanson

Denyse Denyse Hanson
Class of 1971

Steve Helgemoe

Steve Helgemoe
Class of 1971

Jim Gauthier

Jim Gauthier
Class of 1971

John Leimer

John Leimer
Class of 1971

Steve Borchardt

Steve Borchardt
Class of 1971

Sandy Adkisson

Sandy Adkisson
Class of 1971

Bob Buck

Bob Buck
Class of 1971

Marilynn Moehnke

Marilynn Moehnke
Class of 1971

Jim Gove

Jim Gove
Class of 1971

Deb Moore

Deb Moore
Class of 1971

Steve Helgemoe

Steve Helgemoe
Class of 1971

Pamela Bloomquist

Pamela Bloomquist
Class of 1971

Vicki Crown

Vicki Crown
Class of 1971

Anne Sigstad

Anne Sigstad
Class of 1971

Jim Palin

Jim Palin
Class of 1971

Gary Dillehay

Gary Dillehay
Class of 1971

Joen Traeger-casey

Joen Traeger-casey
Class of 1971

Dennis Dick

Dennis Dick
Class of 1971

Syd Brown

Syd Brown
Class of 1971

Greg Brown

Greg Brown
Class of 1971

Roger Thornhill

Roger Thornhill
Class of 1971

Daniel Hulett

Daniel Hulett
Class of 1971

Rae Ellen Lundquist

Rae Ellen Lundquist
Class of 1971

Deb Springer

Deb Springer
Class of 1971

Norrie Thomas

Norrie Thomas
Class of 1971

Craig Richmond

Craig Richmond
Class of 1971

Sherri Schuster

Sherri Schuster
Class of 1971

David Aas

David Aas
Class of 1971

Terry Kohn

Terry Kohn
Class of 1971

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