John Swett High School Alumni

Crockett, California (CA)

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John Swett High School - Class of 1968 Alumni, Crockett CA

Join 9 alumni from John Swett High School Class of 1968. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Carol Aguilar Carol Aguilar

Carol Aguilar Carol Aguilar
Class of 1968

Anita Skinner

Anita Skinner
Class of 1968

Trish Aka Patti Takitch

Trish Aka Patti Takitch
Class of 1968

Karen E. Macmillan

Karen E. Macmillan
Class of 1968

Shelly Herman

Shelly Herman
Class of 1968

Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson
Class of 1968

Leticia Gutierrez

Leticia Gutierrez
Class of 1968

Dee Allen

Dee Allen
Class of 1968

Nancy Lambe

Nancy Lambe
Class of 1968

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