John Swett High School Alumni
Crockett, California (CA)
John Swett High School - Class of 1971 Alumni, Crockett CA
Join 14 alumni from John Swett High School Class of 1971. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Cheri Jensen
Class of 1971
Carl Goodsby
Class of 1971
Dominic Maestas
Class of 1971
Janiece Owens
Class of 1971
Michael Bepler
Class of 1971
Al Gartamaker
Class of 1971
Charlie Mason
Class of 1971
William Harrison
Class of 1971
David Murray
Class of 1971
Dee Reed
Class of 1971
Diana Downing
Class of 1971
Denise Amaral
Class of 1971
Michael Gallo
Class of 1971
William Hoole
Class of 1971
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