Kendrick High School Alumni

Columbus, Georgia (GA)

AlumniClass Home  >  Georgia  >  Kendrick High School  >  Class of 1980  >  Annie Wilson

Annie Powell (Annie Wilson)

Kendrick High School
Class of 1980

→ Join 1894 Alumni from Kendrick High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 49 classes, starting with the class of 1969 all the way up to class of 2020.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Annie
Last Name Powell
Maiden Name Wilson
Graduation Year Class of 1980
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province VA
Country United States
Occupation Human Resource
No photo uploaded

Class of 1980 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 27 class of 1980 alumni that have joined.

Jerry Duncan

Jerry Duncan
Class of 1972

Cynthia Kyser

Cynthia Kyser
Class of 1978

Randy Maurer

Randy Maurer
Class of 1980

Vince Davis

Vince Davis
Class of 1983

Denise Harvey

Denise Harvey
Class of 1980

Antonio Robinson

Antonio Robinson
Class of 1993

Willie Davis

Willie Davis
Class of 1994

Joni Taylor

Joni Taylor
Class of 1974

Bart Goss

Bart Goss
Class of 1989

Nick Smith

Nick Smith
Class of 1978

Brenda Ingram

Brenda Ingram
Class of 1977

Hope Sewell

Hope Sewell
Class of 1986

Teresa Franklin

Teresa Franklin
Class of 1990

Michael Burgess

Michael Burgess
Class of 1989

Sheila Mcclenton

Sheila Mcclenton
Class of 1986

Timothy Wilkerson

Timothy Wilkerson
Class of 1980

Terry Domingue

Terry Domingue
Class of 1982

Benton Wade

Benton Wade
Class of 2000

Sammy Wages

Sammy Wages
Class of 1970

Terry Clark

Terry Clark
Class of 1996

Calvin Bush

Calvin Bush
Class of 1984

Carla Patrick

Carla Patrick
Class of 1972

Mcfadden Huff

Mcfadden Huff
Class of 1995

Lamarcus Adams

Lamarcus Adams
Class of 1999