Kentridge High School Alumni

Kent, Washington (WA)

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Peggy Selle (Peggy Selle)

Kentridge High School
Class of 1973

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→ There are 55 classes, starting with the class of 1915 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Peggy
Last Name Selle
Maiden Name Selle
Graduation Year Class of 1973
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WA
Country United States
Occupation Medical Social Worker
Married No
Favorite School Memory football games, weekends at the ski lodge, Sandy's blue convertible
No photo uploaded

Class of 1973 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 14 class of 1973 alumni that have joined.

Roy Rogers Mcfreely

Roy Rogers Mcfreely
Class of 2005

Robin Bordenik

Robin Bordenik
Class of 1979

Tiffany Walker

Tiffany Walker
Class of 1995

Kym Gilbert

Kym Gilbert
Class of 1989

Jake Keen

Jake Keen
Class of 2000

Heidi Brawley

Heidi Brawley
Class of 1989

Shawna Odman

Shawna Odman
Class of 1992

Lara Pierce

Lara Pierce
Class of 2010

Colleen Palmer

Colleen Palmer
Class of 1981

Chariese Gayles

Chariese Gayles
Class of 1999

Bryan Mccourt

Bryan Mccourt
Class of 1970

Annette Dehart (Norris)

Annette Dehart (Norris)
Class of 1975

Matt Mellroth

Matt Mellroth
Class of 1993

Tammy Wettels

Tammy Wettels
Class of 1977

Ruth Bird

Ruth Bird
Class of 1994

John Williams

John Williams
Class of 1990

Todd Hanson

Todd Hanson
Class of 1981

D'lynn Weiss

D'lynn Weiss
Class of 1977

Kristin Roen

Kristin Roen
Class of 1989

Salman Salman Ibrahim

Salman Salman Ibrahim
Class of 2013

Julie Howell

Julie Howell
Class of 1988

Dean Johnson

Dean Johnson
Class of 1987

Chad Harding

Chad Harding
Class of 1992

Jennifer Waits

Jennifer Waits
Class of 1977