Class rings are the mark of school pride and accomplishments. If you have lost or found a fellow Captains class ring post the information here. If you lost a ring, describe it and include a contact email address. If you found a class ring describe it, post where you found it and include your email address. Your email address will not be made visible on the site. We will use it to contact you if need be.
contact us if you have information about any of the posts below:
My 1986 Waterford Kettering HS ring was stolen quite a while back. It is silver with a ruby oval shaped gemstone and the marching band music emblem on the side. It was pretty unique looking for its time.
Lost a 1970 girls Waterford Kettering ring. Med size green stone. Initials inside would be DLS
posted September 3rd, 2021
White gold, dark green stone, initials KSH inside, size 9 ladies Waterford Kettering H S Captains. Class of 1969, Lost North Chicago, IL, Broadway/Wilson area. Lost winter of 1972.
posted February 21st, 2021
Sapphire, size 11 or 12, yellow gold, should have PJR engraved on the under side and a rose by the stone. Waterford Kettering Class of 2007. Lost in Delray Beach FL in 2010
posted February 2nd, 2021
1973 girls Waterford Kettering ring, dark green stone. My initials are emh.
posted October 10th, 2018
1973 Waterford Kettering girls ring. Dark green stone.
Lost my ring in summer of '74. Boyfriends brother is believed to have stolen it. EMF inside Class of 1973
can the ring be replaced or remanufactured? lost in lake
lost my ring in bottom of a lake 1968
lost my class ring Waterford kettering female ring 1976 initials clg if found let me know thanks
posted September 20th, 2014
I moved into a house and found a kettering class ring. It is from the class of 1983. It is a man's ring. I have reason to believe that the person who owned the ring lived in my home, which is near the Oakland airport during the late 80's or early 90's, maybe?
It has some initials engraved on the inside. I have spoken with some of the neighbors so I have a rough idea of your name. If you can tell me what the initials are or the residence I am speaking of I will know it is you and I would be happy to see that you get your ring back. My email is My name is Lisa
Mott High School Women’s Class Ring | Class of 1985: Initials KRK
We cannot locate the graduate with these initials. If you have contact information please call 248.706.4868