L.V. Berkner High School Alumni
Richardson, Texas (TX)
Charles Vittes
L.V. Berkner High School
Class of 2012
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First Name | Charles |
Last Name | Vittes |
Graduation Year | Class of 2012 |
Gender | Male |
Hometown | Richardson, Texas |
Relationship Status | Single |
About Me | I love listening to and writing music. I'm a metal head at heart but I like rap, dubstep, blues, and jazz as well. I play guitar and piano. I used to play saxophone and hope to soon return to saxophone. I love to cook and create new dishes out of whatever I can find in the house. I watch a lot of cartoons like Ugly Americans and Family Guy but i also watch comedy movies and shows such as Ridiculousness and Dogma. My favorite thing to do in my free time is jam with my somewhat of a musical mentor friend Taylor and just hangout with my friends. I take honesty very seriously but i dont let little white lies go to heart. I play video games mostly on a pc but sometimes on playstation and xbox( I'm a playstation man, i was raised on ps2). I mostly play a game called Mount & Blade: Warband (with mods of course), but i also like Blacklight:Retribution, Planetside 2, and of course good ol' Minecraft( all these games are pc games btw)I'm pretty shy around new people but not so shy that i wont at least conversate a little bit. I hope to someday either be a guitarist in a band known and loved world-wide or to someday open my own restaurant that would someday be one of the most renown restaurants, serving governors, actors/actresses, sports heroes, and all sorts of important people. I am a science and math geek. I even have a math puzzle app on my phone. Chemistry and forensic science, both in general, are my favorite types of science. I think to myself a lot when I'm alone which can sometimes make me a debbie downer :(. I was in Cubscouts from kindergarten all the way up to Boyscouts which I believe we started in junior high? I made it all the way to life scout, which is one rank below eagle. I got lazy towards the end, and left without eagling out, which I know was a mistake, I do regret that. I am one to learn, if not everything I can to the best of my ability, then more than the average joe if it is a topic/subject/matter, or whatever, that strikes my interest. I am a quick learner and I am a little bit O.C.D. with little, insignificant things while I am working. Nothing too crazy, just stuff like where I put all of my writing utensils, how I stack my papers, how I organize my papers, and with the work I'm doing now, how even my cuts are and how straight they are. I do like to go out and party with my friends from time to time, like go to the club, play king's cup or beer pong. I love to play this card game called Hand and Foot, or Kanasta, a game you will most likely never learn how to play because its a family game in one of my best friend's families. I've played multiple sports throughout my life such as basketball, baseball, soccer, flag football, real football, and golf. I used to be on a parkour team in highschool but we were never that good. We really just climbed stuff and ran, jumped, and rolled across, obstacles like a/c units. I've been in too many bands to count which lead to my pet peeve of people who "love"making music yet only play covers at band practice. It also lead to my pet peeve of band mates who don't realize that it does take a lot of work to get a label and people who are too lazy and weak willed to do the work yet "dream" of being a famous musician someday. I mean seriously? Dio's fame and fortune didn't just fall into his lap one day, Peter Frampton didn't just play a cover and get a record deal. If you really want to get a label DO THE WORK. I promise if you have talent and you do the work, your music and/or band will be as well known and loved as you want it to be. Just do the work. I am nineteen without license or a car but that is mostly my fault but partly my family's fault. I am getting my license and a car very, very soon. I like cars but I don't know too much about although my good friend Taylor is helping me out with that. Lime green and neon green are my favorite colors. I want to someday own that beautiful black and lime green guitar that is my cover photo. I like art but not enough to know artists by name. I like photography, I have never taken a class or lesson or anything and honestly know like nothing about it but I do love seeing beautiful pictures of space, guitars and pianos, animals(especially white tigers because they're my favorite), sheet music (yes I know that sounds weird and boring), nature, and downtown Dallas for Reunion Tower and other buildings with some out-of-the-ordinary lights or lighting designs on the outside. I ran the light show at my old church I used to go to for maybe five, six years. Then I finally got moved up to sound board once my sister left. Eventually I made it to tech director meaning I ran the video clips, sound clips, put in transitions for the skits,and I was the boss of the light and sound guys who were always a lot older than me, like twenty to thirty years older, and I made the shows run smooth doing all that at age 17. You probably gathered this but I am very proud of myself for that. I used to be a bit of a rebel, sneaking out almost every night, drinking underage, and just completely disregarding anything my parents said. I was obviously a little s***head but then I joined the army at eighteen which did straighten me out more than I realized I needed and I was only in for exactly three months. Now, I got discharged soon before graduating which made me very sad because I had come so far and surprised myself even. My discharge was lame and stupid in my opinion because they discharged me for having "chronic low back pain". It pretty much means the muscles in my lower back are uneven strength so one side gets more support than the, other making me feel like I have the back of an old man. However painkillers, physical therapy, and a personal trainer shall some day soon fix my back. I like to go bowling, usually at Plano Super Bowl. I either walk everywhere i go ( because I am currently without a car), or I ride my bike which I hate, because it is stuck in sixth gear so riding uphill or against wind is a serious workout, but I also love because it gives me time to listen to my music, reflect on the day, and it's a great workout because of it being stuck in sixth gear. I've never been in a car wreck. I've also never writing an "about me" section anywhere even relatively close to this one. Italian food and sushi are my favorite types of food. I love the Magic Time Machine restaurant because I've had so many great birthdays there with fond memories of my sister checking out the waitor dressed like Jack Sparrow, and pigging out on fried shrimp and their delicous magic potion drink. It's a drink that comes in multiple colors, like blue or even black, and it smokes! Like there is really cool looking thick smoke coming off this drink constantly until you, finish the drink. I actually had loads of fun while I was in basic, much to the surprise of some of my friends. If you can get past someone yelling at you in your face saying you have no heart and you must be slow or dumb, and get past eating nasty, cheap, "healthy" crap that they try to make taste and look like real food, you can have a blast in basic which is exactly what I did. I got to shoot M16A2's, M4Carbines, M203's, AT4's, M240Bravos, M249's, and I got to be a gunner (for training purposes) in a himvi, shooting another M249 and mostly my M16 because the M249 ran out of bullets. I got to throw grenades, and do some really fun drills with simulation grenades. I got to fight with puigles but no one got combat training in our cycle because the drill sergeant assigned to teach it, didn't feel like teaching it and it wasn't a graduation requirement so the jackass totally got away with it. I had to low crawl, not high crawl, LOW crawl underneath three hundred yards of barbed wire with live rounds firing overhead. That was kinda fun but really just very tiresome and annoying because it was like two in the morning. I got to learn how to make a hootch which is pretty much just a poncho tied up to some trees so you can sleep dry when it's raining if you dont have your tent. By the way, the tents you get issued in basic training are so freakin cheap. I've had better tents from Walmart. Walmart. We got to see what wearing full battle rattle is like which is your helmet, your bullet proof vest, your FLC ( a vest that goes over your bullet proof vest and carries your grenades and mags), and elbow and knee pads, and of course whatever weapon your were assigned. All that stuff together on you at once is actually decently heavy and difficult to maneuver in but you get the hang of it eventually. I learned how to take apart, clean, and reassemble every weapon I got to shoot except for the M203 and the AT4 because we really only used those once. I learned how to clear a room and then a whole house. I learned the tactical squad formation or whatever it's called, i can't remember because it's been a few months. It's the one where you have the grenadier on one side, a SAW(M249) gunner on the other side, and one or two rifleman carrying M16's on the same side as the grenadier. You have your squad leader in front and you make a V shape, where the squad leader is up front and the others branch off behind. We had to learn about eating healthy and taking care of yourself. Some people didn't shower and their smell got so bad that some of the drill sergeants made a slide show about personal hygiene on their own free time. That's pretty bad. We got to do these things called field exercises where we hike in full battle rattle with our rucksacks(army issue camping backpack) on our backs for miles, until we reached our campsite. It started off only having to hike a couple miles and we ended hiking twelve miles at the end of blue phase. Anyway, at the campsite, we would usually change socks, eat a granola bar, and start digging hastings. Hastings are these holes you have to dig a certain way so you can lay comfortably in the prone position all day and be able to get into your rucksack at your feet without being seen by Op4(basiclly just the enemy). I re-learned how to orient a map, then learned how to factor in magnetic north and true north. They put everyone in groups of four or five and gave each group a map and a compass and we had to find three out of five coordinates in the day, then two out of three at night but it started storming down on us hard, like lightning all around the forest we were in and huge rain drops pouring down on us so we had to head back to the company. I learned how to read contour maps and read terrain features on a map. I learned that the way I was taught to shoot in Boyscouts is not as efficient and easy as the army's process. I got to go to gun ranges almost everyday for a month. There we learned how to zero a weapon. We learned how to shoot prone, crouching, and standing. The drill sergeants were nice enough to teach us some little tricks to keep your weapon more steady. We went to so many different ranges. One was stationary targets only 25 meters away to zero but the we started doing distances varying from 25 to 300 meters. We also got to shoot at night using military grade night vision goggles and uv lasers on our weapons that you could only see with the goggles. We got to marine crawl down a rope that was abt 50 meters long, then walk across a three rope bridge where one rope is at the bottom and one rope on each side to balance, then hang under a rope a crawl across like a sloth I guess. We got to repel down a sixty foot wall and climb a thirty foot rope ladder. I actually got to watch movies in basic! :D Only because I was a holdover at that time and we were between cycles. I got to learn some fun cadances that i can't remember for the life of me now. I do, however, still remember the soldier's creed. It goes like this~ I am an American soldier. I am a warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States and live the Army values. I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior task and drills. I always maintain my arms, my equipment, and myself. I am an expert and I am a professional. I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat. I am a gaurdian of freedom and the American way of life. I am an American soldier. I know you probably dont believe that I typed all that strictly by memory but it's true. I have it on a plaque hung up in my room so if I ever forget it, I can just go to my room and refresh my memory. Now if you ask me, my discharge was complete and total bull although I am happy I got it because now I can go into the Navy. So how did I get said discharge? Well, I have a back problem called chronic low back pain. It's pretty much what it sounds like. Basically I grew too skinny for my height and too fast. The combination of the two made one side of my lower back more supportive than the other and it makes my lower back hurt like I'm 90 years old with a walker. I also have Osgood Schlatter disease which isn't even really a disease, I dont know why it's determined as a disease. Osgood Schlatter disease means the tendons in my knees didn't stretch out right as I grew up so they stayed tight and pulled the top of my tibias(shin bones) forward. Because of that, I get shin splints easily and quickly when I run and I can over work my knees quickly. Let's see.... I had braces for my sophmore and junior years in highschool. I had the crank spacer, the metal one that anchors onto your back teeth and has four skinny, little, metal poles, one for each corner of the spacer to anchor. Eventually those four little metal poles cut into my tongue but it happend so slowly that, there was no blood or pain. I didn't even know it was happening until I was brushing my teeth one day and I noticed four long, skinny slits in my tongue. After about a year after i got my braces off, three of the cuts healed finally but the fourth one never healed even a tiny bit. It's still there to this day and it's been 3 or 4 years since it happend. Ummmm...if your seriously still reading this you're either a hardcore stalker creepin on me, or you must have the biggest crush on me anyone has ever had for anyone because this is ridiculously long. Let's see.... I have a dog named Charlie and a dog named Kramer. My first dog was a dog named Max and he was my all time favorite dog because I can still remember clearly to this day, being a little toddler and waking up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and going into the living room, laying down as Max curls up around toddler me.I always had a cat growing up and we always had an orange tabby cat. If we had one cat, it was an orange tabby. If we had multiple cats, at least one was an orange tabby. My father gave them all the same name, Garp. Eventually we started calling them G1, G2, G3 and so on. I am coulrophobic which means I am scared of clowns. I can handle them in person but scary clown movies make me want to pee myself. The funny thing about that is the movie Killer Klowns From Outer Space is the reason why I am scared of clowns. I believe it came out in 93? Less than a year before I was born. I want to say I was five or six and I was sitting in the living room watching TV when it came on. Ever since then I have been terrified of clowns and considered Killer Klowns From outer Space my all time favorite movie. I know it's wierd but I like what scares me. What else.... I want to go bungee jumping and sky diving someday. I also want to give that wingsuit thing a try. Someday Iwant to learn how to play drums and then produce a solo album where I play all the instruments, master it myself, and market it myself with a few friends who know how to market to help me. I was invited to join an old friends band that is recognised by all of Dallas and some Dallas producers. I was going to join but the old friend just stopped talkin to me out of no where. Now that im writing songs that get stuck in people's heads again, I plan on meeting up with a different old friend who happens to be a producer. This eay I can finally put some songs out and get people listening to my music and downloading it. I wanted to be a musician in the military until I learned that you basically have to be a musical super prodigy and i am no prodigy so I had to let go of hope on that one. Ah! I was engaged to a black woman while I was. in the military but we broke up shortly after I got back. I was in gymnastics my freshman year of highschool. Go ahead, laugh all you wa. I've had itnt but that was one of the toughest workouts I've ever experienced. I was in the school band from sixth grade to tenth grade. I started out on alto saxophone but ended up on tenor saxophone at some point. I also played in the school jazz band. That class got to play real gigs. We never got paid for the gigs but everyone got to play at least one solo at every gig which I think is awesome. I had so much fun in that class. Ummmmm. I have somewhat of a hat addiction. I'm not like psycho for hats, I just make sure I never leave them on the ground, never work in them, I always wear laces that match the color(s) of the hat that i am wearing that day, and if you ever try to take my hat off my head without my permission, I will most likely punch you in the throat unless you are a dear enough friend that I can trust you with my hat. Even at that though, I wont like it. I only own four hats but my ex-fiancee has my best hat so im stuck to three. I love horse back riding. I used to go every now and then when I was in boyscouts. I wear my dogtag 24/7 unless I am showering so the chain doesnt rust. Even then it's the last thing I take off and the first thing I put on. It is one of the most important things in my life because it is a reminder of who I am, who I was, and the work I went through to become who I am today. I'm a bad sloucher. I try to fix my posture but then I slowly ease back into slouching, it's a tough habit to break. Oh! I also have a small addiction to shoes and laces. More like a facination I guess. I know it sounds girly but I like to look good so i have to have shoes and laces that match my hats and clothes. I actually like shopping, I know thats girly too but I'm a big spender. I like to go shopping for clothes yes, but because again, I like to look good, as in wearing nice button up shirts that are ironed with nice jeans or slacks and a stylish pair of shoes, and a hat to add some flavor ;). I used to have my ears pierced when I was in junior high but I lost all of my earrings and just let the holes close up on their own. I did pierce my ears myself multiple times. My first ear piercing is the only one that has been done by a professional. One other was done by a friend and the other five or six times, I did myself. I used to have naturally straight, bright, blonde hair but then the military cut it off and now its short. My eyes change colors between green and blue but I've been told before that sometimes you can see a little ring of yellow. I've never seen it myself. I am a straight up Dr. Pepper addict. I kind of substitute water for Dr. Pepper. Like the only reason that I drink water when I'm home, is when I'm out of Dr. Pepper. I drum on my thighs or stomach when I get into a song. I am an android man. Iphones can be useful but I think they should be more for business. Android just seems more comfortable to me even though i started out on an Iphone. I'm not real big on politics. Don't get me wrong, I care about what goes with this country but politics are just so boring and they cause arguments over stupid stuff. I have been wearing my BCG's (military issue glasses) ever since i got them, even at home but only because I have no contacts. I much rather contacts. I want to get colored contacts. I want a royal blue because it's so deep for eyes and I think it would make my eyes beautiful. I am very skinny and nice but don't mistake either of those for weakness. I'll stand up and fight when the time calls for it. Dr. Rockzo is my favorite cartoon character. Chick-Fil-A is my all time favorite fast food restaurant because their chicken is just delightful. I actually used to work there and my boss had me get in the cow suit on my first day. I got to walk around in a cow suit and play with kids for a solid hour on my first day of work. Pretty good first day if you ask me. I do smoke cigarettes. I dont have any one favorite kind but L&M turkish blends are my most common pack because they are cheap and smooth. My favorites include L&M turkish blends and turkish knights, marlboro reds, marlboro southern cut, marlboro 27's, and camel turkish royals. In elementary school and junior high, I would only wear shirts that had some kind of skull design because I had an obsession for skull designs and I still slightly do. It's more of a strong fancying now. I have trust issues. I let people in but never all the way because you never know who you can and cant trust. Theres only two people in this world that I completely trust and they are laura bomb! ( my newly adopted sister) and sugartits! (My recently adopted brother). I love fruit, especially the citrusy ones. My favorites are pineapple, kiwi, manderin oranges, pomegranites, and mangos. I like to smoke shisha, more at home or a friends rather than a hookah lounge but sometimes its nice to go out to peace pipe with a group of friends. I like motorcycles, both Harleys and sports bikes but I prefer harleys because I was raised by a southern family who loves Harleys. I like riding go carts, gettin sideways with my friends, and going to the street races. I like watching basketball. It's the only sport i care to watch. I'm a miami heat fan. Right now I am a sub contractor for my father. He runs and owns his own contracting business which I think is cool because hes his own boss and hes actually doing fairly well. He works every single day though so I feel bad for him. Love Hate Sex Pain by Godsmack is one of my all time favorite songs. Flow free is one of my favorite apps. I'm so nerdy that I have a math puzzle app. I like puzzle games, strategy games, tower defense games, and action/shooter games....oh and rpg!! I have no allergies that I know of. Other than when I eat a lot of pineapple, my tongue gets scratchy and stings but Im not sure if thats an allergy or not. I've only had hives once, it w a few years ago and I still have no idea what caused it. I've only reacted to poison ivy once in my life and i dont know what happend there but I wasn't allergic before and im not now. Spongebob was a regular thing until highschool but hey, who doesnt love their childhood cartoons? If I could be, any super hero, super villain, or super being, I would be spawn for the ability to be a badass hero and still have the hellish look, or Thanos because he is pretty much a god....he might as well be a god because he can blink you out of existance. Well if you made it this far, I first congradulate you on accomplishing nothing other than reading a super long about me section because you have nothing to do, and second tell you to stop cree...(read more) |

Class of 2012 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 15 class of 2012 alumni that have joined.

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Yolanda Garcia
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Katy Thompson
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Andrea Parker
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Felisha Stiles
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Matthew Lee
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Randy Morgan
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Karen Mccutchan
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Amy Crumlish
Class of 1989

Leanna Crow
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Linda Guillemaud
Class of 1994

Mikhail Guivehchi
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Haydee Ordoñez
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Jennifer Bradley
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Amy Clark
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Manda Brady
Class of 1990

Dana Arnold
Class of 1981

Alyssa Jerger
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Jeni Daniel
Class of 1972

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Frank Frank Hallford
Class of 1988