Lafayette High School Alumni

Lafayette, Louisiana (LA)

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Emily Porter (Emily Hebert)

Lafayette High School
Class of 1995

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→ There are 76 classes, starting with the class of 1932 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Emily
Last Name Porter
Maiden Name Hebert
Graduation Year Class of 1995
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province VA
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1995 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 25 class of 1995 alumni that have joined.

Paula Sheller

Paula Sheller
Class of 1965

Pam Savoie

Pam Savoie
Class of 1981

Lindsey Kees

Lindsey Kees
Class of 1999

Linda Fourniquet

Linda Fourniquet
Class of 1973

Laura Womack

Laura Womack
Class of 1974

Linda Faulk Linda Griffin

Linda Faulk Linda Griffin
Class of 1989

Sally Broussard

Sally Broussard
Class of 1979

Lexie George

Lexie George
Class of 1972

Danielle Hansen

Danielle Hansen
Class of 1999

Ashly Edmonson

Ashly Edmonson
Class of 2000

Ernest Knight

Ernest Knight
Class of 1989

Amy Amy

Amy Amy
Class of 1989

Gregory Billeaud

Gregory Billeaud
Class of 1981

Patti Borison

Patti Borison
Class of 1976

Cassandra Meaux

Cassandra Meaux
Class of 1973

Brieann Haase Haase

Brieann Haase Haase
Class of 2018

Lisa Boothe

Lisa Boothe
Class of 1978

James Hesse

James Hesse
Class of 1977

Mark Albarado

Mark Albarado
Class of 1981

Roxanne Lapoint

Roxanne Lapoint
Class of 2009

Ramon Nsue

Ramon Nsue
Class of 2001

Don Littlefield

Don Littlefield
Class of 1982

Keith Simon

Keith Simon
Class of 1973

Nancy Booth

Nancy Booth
Class of 1969