Lafayette High School Alumni

Lafayette, Louisiana (LA)

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Kristyn Roche (Kristyn Perrin)

Lafayette High School
Class of 1984

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→ There are 76 classes, starting with the class of 1932 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Kristyn
Last Name Roche
Maiden Name Perrin
Graduation Year Class of 1984
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province LA
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1984 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 21 class of 1984 alumni that have joined.

Jamie (james) Mealus

Jamie (james) Mealus
Class of 1974

Amanda Brown

Amanda Brown
Class of 1987

Joy Peirce

Joy Peirce
Class of 1965

Cheray Dillon

Cheray Dillon
Class of 1984

Broderick Johnson

Broderick Johnson
Class of 2005

John Raggio

John Raggio
Class of 1998

Steve Lowe

Steve Lowe
Class of 1993

Shundreka Johnson

Shundreka Johnson
Class of 2003

Enola Provost

Enola Provost
Class of 1989

Anthony Wright

Anthony Wright
Class of 1998

Sharon Mcconnell

Sharon Mcconnell
Class of 1962

Ross Kinney

Ross Kinney
Class of 1965

Ed Rafferty

Ed Rafferty
Class of 1972

Robert Brown

Robert Brown
Class of 1989

Andre Lejeune

Andre Lejeune
Class of 1969

Shirley Griffin

Shirley Griffin
Class of 1972

Brandi Wirth

Brandi Wirth
Class of 2004

Patricia Miller

Patricia Miller
Class of 1989

Steven Leblanc

Steven Leblanc
Class of 1989

Elaine Tribe

Elaine Tribe
Class of 1971

Janine Hughes

Janine Hughes
Class of 1990

Cheyene Robinson

Cheyene Robinson
Class of 1998


C.w. "bill" Belsom
Class of 1965

Finis Robinson

Finis Robinson
Class of 2008