Lake High School Alumni

Uniontown, Ohio (OH)

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Michelle Dennis (Michelle Sturiale)

Lake High School
Class of 1982

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→ There are 62 classes, starting with the class of 1940 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Michelle
Last Name Dennis
Maiden Name Sturiale
Graduation Year Class of 1982
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province OH
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1982 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 21 class of 1982 alumni that have joined.

Ryan Parnell

Ryan Parnell
Class of 1989

Kelly Miller

Kelly Miller
Class of 2023

Robert Carpenter

Robert Carpenter
Class of 1986

Brian Boston

Brian Boston
Class of 1989

Brad Karg

Brad Karg
Class of 2015

Kim Martin

Kim Martin
Class of 1987

Susie Seebacher Gardner

Susie Seebacher Gardner
Class of 1984

Holly West-kinsley

Holly West-kinsley
Class of 1994

Meredith Mcentee

Meredith Mcentee
Class of 1991

Annette Harman

Annette Harman
Class of 1999

Deborah Hopkins

Deborah Hopkins
Class of 1970

Michael Hutchings

Michael Hutchings
Class of 1983

Penny Moore

Penny Moore
Class of 1972

Ken Mullett

Ken Mullett
Class of 1985

Lori Frank

Lori Frank
Class of 1977

Wayne Slabaugh

Wayne Slabaugh
Class of 1959

Art Harper

Art Harper
Class of 1975

April Morse

April Morse
Class of 2015

John West

John West
Class of 1971

Stacey Carpenter

Stacey Carpenter
Class of 1998

Kathy Rhodes

Kathy Rhodes
Class of 1974

Thomas Thomas Fitzpatrick

Thomas Thomas Fitzpatrick
Class of 1987

Jacquelyn Smith

Jacquelyn Smith
Class of 1974

Kris Smith

Kris Smith
Class of 1984