Lake High School Alumni

Uniontown, Ohio (OH)

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Pam Pulvermacher (Pam Waites)

Lake High School
Class of 1981

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No photo uploaded
First Name Pam
Last Name Pulvermacher
Maiden Name Waites
Graduation Year Class of 1981
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province OH
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1981 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 15 class of 1981 alumni that have joined.

Weston Fusselman

Weston Fusselman
Class of 2009

Jayne Case

Jayne Case
Class of 1977

Kristopher Smith

Kristopher Smith
Class of 1984

Edward Parisi

Edward Parisi
Class of 1982

Justin Gordon

Justin Gordon
Class of 1998

Heather Parnell

Heather Parnell
Class of 1993

Bryan Terry

Bryan Terry
Class of 1982

Tamara Zemlansky

Tamara Zemlansky
Class of 1982

Patti Robinson

Patti Robinson
Class of 1974

Bill William Rayman

Bill William Rayman
Class of 1964

Nancy Fankhauser

Nancy Fankhauser
Class of 1967

Barb Cardwell

Barb Cardwell
Class of 1977

Jennifer Burton

Jennifer Burton
Class of 1982

Wendy Bennett

Wendy Bennett
Class of 1981

Aaron Crewse

Aaron Crewse
Class of 1990

Brian Boston

Brian Boston
Class of 1989

John Adamczyk

John Adamczyk
Class of 1972

Gary Schrock

Gary Schrock
Class of 1973

Jane Detweilrr

Jane Detweilrr
Class of 1970

Dana Millin

Dana Millin
Class of 1989

Peter Rosso

Peter Rosso
Class of 1967

Kathy Krouse

Kathy Krouse
Class of 1980

Jennie Gautschi

Jennie Gautschi
Class of 1972

Brandon Poe

Brandon Poe
Class of 1991