Lake Oswego High School Alumni

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Douglas Lindley (Douglas Anderberg)

Lake Oswego High School
Class of 1969

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→ There are 59 classes, starting with the class of 1952 all the way up to class of 2014.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Douglas
Last Name Lindley
Maiden Name Anderberg
Graduation Year Class of 1969
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province British Columbia
Country Canada
Occupation Dentist
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory launching water balloons over the gymnasium onto the student eating lunch on the lawn, with Greg Collins, Chuck Applegate.
No photo uploaded

Class of 1969 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 26 class of 1969 alumni that have joined.

Jake Wilson

Jake Wilson
Class of 1984

Stacie Haaga

Stacie Haaga
Class of 1998

Nancy Jarrett

Nancy Jarrett
Class of 1980

Mark Schroeder

Mark Schroeder
Class of 1979

Christy Bogs

Christy Bogs
Class of 1989

Charles (chuck) Ransom

Charles (chuck) Ransom
Class of 1975

Margie Margie Buell

Margie Margie Buell
Class of 1969

Chris Moy

Chris Moy
Class of 1987

Brian Rall

Brian Rall
Class of 1970

Vickie Sutton

Vickie Sutton
Class of 1969

Virginia Lowell

Virginia Lowell
Class of 1969

Paul Kepert

Paul Kepert
Class of 1977

Jody Jeremy

Jody Jeremy
Class of 1975

Ron Akins

Ron Akins
Class of 1968

Matt De Mello

Matt De Mello
Class of 2000

Molly Walter R. Kinworthy

Molly Walter R. Kinworthy
Class of 1964

Ryan Carty

Ryan Carty
Class of 1994

Claudian Smith

Claudian Smith
Class of 1970

Francisco Aroche

Francisco Aroche
Class of 1998

Richard Gress

Richard Gress
Class of 1978

Nancy Showalter

Nancy Showalter
Class of 1969

Mark Peterson

Mark Peterson
Class of 1975

Jack Mitten

Jack Mitten
Class of 1980

Aamir Aamir Latif

Aamir Aamir Latif
Class of 2005