Lake Shore High School Alumni
St. Clair Shores, Michigan (MI)
Martin Moeller
Lake Shore High School
Class of 2002
→ Join 3900 Alumni from Lake Shore High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 79 classes, starting with the class of 1933 all the way up to class of 2024.
Class of 2002 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 17 class of 2002 alumni that have joined.
Kateri Lorence
Class of 2002
Karren Dobson
Class of 1972
Cynthia Blondo
Class of 1972
Matt Fabian
Class of 1997
Linda Hughes
Class of 1961
Tom Iannucci
Class of 1966
Chuck Lepard
Class of 1984
Kim Carroll
Class of 1978
Todd Chadick
Class of 1980
Jeffery Cooper
Class of 1989
Daryl Newton
Class of 1963
Linda Barnes
Class of 1968
Thomasine Krueger
Class of 1964
Mary Monterusso
Class of 1979
Britt Taper
Class of 2006
Gary Radziewicz
Class of 1970
Jeff Messina
Class of 1988
Jose Olo
Class of 2004
Denise Vondette
Class of 1976
Dionne Boza
Class of 1989
Joe Sulek
Class of 1979
Robert Puckett
Class of 1978
Jp Hogan
Class of 1966
Barbara Randle
Class of 1972