Lake Shore High School Alumni

St. Clair Shores, Michigan (MI)

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Michelle Lael (Michelle Briesch)

Lake Shore High School
Class of 1988

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→ There are 79 classes, starting with the class of 1933 all the way up to class of 2024.


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Michelle Briesch - Class of 1988 - Lake Shore High School
First Name Michelle
Last Name Lael
Maiden Name Briesch
Graduation Year Class of 1988
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province MI
Country United States
Occupation Medical field
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory All my friends!!!
About Me Nursing degree, Family and 2 wonderful children!
Michelle Briesch - Class of 1988 - Lake Shore High School

Class of 1988 Alumni

→ Reunite with 67 class of 1988 alumni that have joined.

Sarah Algoet

Sarah Algoet
Class of 1995

Gary Hardy

Gary Hardy
Class of 1979

James Rockefeller

James Rockefeller
Class of 1970

Kathy O'neil

Kathy O'neil
Class of 1976

Jane Cote

Jane Cote
Class of 1976

William Melia

William Melia
Class of 1978

Debralee De Four

Debralee De Four
Class of 1997

James Pentowski

James Pentowski
Class of 2012

Michael Oman

Michael Oman
Class of 1996

Grace Aluia

Grace Aluia
Class of 1979

David Ottinger

David Ottinger
Class of 1972

Kimberly Yoe

Kimberly Yoe
Class of 1976

Megan Champine

Megan Champine
Class of 2018

Thomas Reinke

Thomas Reinke
Class of 1958

Sue Supanich

Sue Supanich
Class of 1979

Susan Padgett

Susan Padgett
Class of 1983

Keith Pelt

Keith Pelt
Class of 1972

Rich Turczynski

Rich Turczynski
Class of 1980

Doreen Schumaker

Doreen Schumaker
Class of 1968

Katkhy Wisner

Katkhy Wisner
Class of 1970

Joyce Bice

Joyce Bice
Class of 1965

Patricia Brown

Patricia Brown
Class of 1969

Bob Bronsing

Bob Bronsing
Class of 1963

Jennifer Jarvis

Jennifer Jarvis
Class of 1995