Lake Shore High School Alumni

St. Clair Shores, Michigan (MI)

AlumniClass Home  >  Michigan  >  Lake Shore High School  >  Class of 1980  >  Patricia John

Patricia Winters (Patricia John)

Lake Shore High School
Class of 1980

→ Join 3900 Alumni from Lake Shore High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 79 classes, starting with the class of 1933 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Patricia
Last Name Winters
Maiden Name John
Graduation Year Class of 1980
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province MI
Country United States
Occupation design seamstress
Married Yes
No photo uploaded

Class of 1980 Alumni

→ Reunite with 85 class of 1980 alumni that have joined.

Deb Brayman

Deb Brayman
Class of 1973

Michael Aureli Aureli

Michael Aureli Aureli
Class of 2003

Patrick Kelly

Patrick Kelly
Class of 1973

Mari Parsons

Mari Parsons
Class of 1975

John Hogan

John Hogan
Class of 1971

Ronald Beech

Ronald Beech
Class of 1938

Kevin Swenie

Kevin Swenie
Class of 1968

Nikky Holton

Nikky Holton
Class of 2005

Tina Berolatti

Tina Berolatti
Class of 1979

Dennis Capa

Dennis Capa
Class of 2005

Dave David

Dave David
Class of 1990

Alex Barger

Alex Barger
Class of 2012

Tami Hatherill

Tami Hatherill
Class of 1988

James Couch

James Couch
Class of 1980

Chris Clements

Chris Clements
Class of 1981

Samantha Salera

Samantha Salera
Class of 2010

Sherri Eschenburg

Sherri Eschenburg
Class of 1992

Tim Mcnally

Tim Mcnally
Class of 1979

Tanae Lynnette

Tanae Lynnette
Class of 2015

James P. Brown

James P. Brown
Class of 1975

Pamela Rhodes

Pamela Rhodes
Class of 1987

Paula DiGiovanni

Paula DiGiovanni
Class of 1970

Lyn Loomis Shaner-trutt

Lyn Loomis Shaner-trutt
Class of 1969

Byron Yates

Byron Yates
Class of 1966