Lasalle-peru High School Alumni
Lasalle, Illinois (IL)
Lasalle-peru High School - Class of 1985 Alumni
Join 16 alumni from Lasalle-peru High School Class of 1985. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.
Jay Michalak
Class of 1985
Lisa Lisa Morrison
Class of 1985
Michelle Michelle Duttlinger
Class of 1985
John Kwit
Class of 1985
Scott Dresbach
Class of 1985
Beth Beth Koehler
Class of 1985
Bryon Hahn
Class of 1985
Philip Kidd
Class of 1985
Samuel Skelton
Class of 1985
Ron Rodriguez
Class of 1985
Curt Bennett
Class of 1985
Charles Seed
Class of 1985
Lisa Miller
Class of 1985
Bruce Prybylinski
Class of 1985
Tina Wenskunas
Class of 1985
Tina Griffin
Class of 1985
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