Lawrenceburg High School Alumni

Lawrenceburg, Indiana (IN)

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Dianna Paolello (Dianna Hopper)

Lawrenceburg High School
Class of 1983

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→ There are 72 classes, starting with the class of 1926 all the way up to class of 2019.


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First Name Dianna
Last Name Paolello
Maiden Name Hopper
Graduation Year Class of 1983
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province IN
Country United States
Occupation Housewife/Student
Married Yes
About Me I made the decision to go back to school in 2003 to pursue a degree in elementary education. I have four kids and a wonderful husband.
No photo uploaded

Class of 1983 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 21 class of 1983 alumni that have joined.

John Kaiser

John Kaiser
Class of 1981

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark
Class of 1981

Krista Noel

Krista Noel
Class of 2002

Alice Scarber

Alice Scarber
Class of 1980

Jerrusha Ngwodo

Jerrusha Ngwodo
Class of 2005

Steve Shaw

Steve Shaw
Class of 2005

Kathy Worthington

Kathy Worthington
Class of 1968

Alfred Woodruff

Alfred Woodruff
Class of 1985

Tammie Pfeil

Tammie Pfeil
Class of 1998

Paul Turner

Paul Turner
Class of 2002

Pat Dejulia

Pat Dejulia
Class of 1978

Jane Noyes

Jane Noyes
Class of 1960

Melissa Lawrence

Melissa Lawrence
Class of 1994

Nancy Ryan

Nancy Ryan
Class of 1980

Willie Wilson

Willie Wilson
Class of 1985

Ryele Adams

Ryele Adams
Class of 2016

Judy Knippenberg

Judy Knippenberg
Class of 1970

Cindy Bushman

Cindy Bushman
Class of 1975

Andrew Hooper

Andrew Hooper
Class of 1995

Maggie Roberts

Maggie Roberts
Class of 2015

Sarah Rice

Sarah Rice
Class of 2004

Denise Koons

Denise Koons
Class of 1973

Phillip Courter

Phillip Courter
Class of 1991

Christy Bayne

Christy Bayne
Class of 1984