Leigh High School Alumni
San Jose, California (CA)
Helen Del Azar (Helen Rogers)
Leigh High School
Class of 1980
→ Join 5283 Alumni from Leigh High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 72 classes, starting with the class of 1900 all the way up to class of 2024.
First Name | Helen |
Last Name | Del Azar |
Maiden Name | Rogers |
Graduation Year | Class of 1980 |
Gender | Female |
City | N/A |
State/Province | CA |
Country | United States |
Occupation | Housewife |
Married | Yes |
Class of 1980 Alumni
→ Reunite with 59 class of 1980 alumni that have joined.
Wendy Stevensen
Class of 1998
Eilbret Betoushana
Class of 1999
Mike Brostrom
Class of 1982
Kristin Koch
Class of 1994
Greg Ryder
Class of 1989
Barbara Williamson
Class of 1975
William Lovvorn
Class of 1991
Aisha True
Class of 2008
Sue Pugmire
Class of 1979
Jess Florio
Class of 2014
Mario Jordan
Class of 2000
Eric Virak
Class of 1984
Howard Simmons
Class of 1985
Debbie Jenkins
Class of 1970
Kim Eicholtz
Class of 1978
Rohan Kurse
Class of 2013
Emily Logothetis
Class of 2024
Jeff Elliott
Class of 1974
Aaron O'hara
Class of 1985
Steve Guyon
Class of 1974
Jessica Warren
Class of 2006
Mickey Lulou
Class of 2009
Tracie Bryant
Class of 1974
Mark Grabowski
Class of 1993
Recent Class of 1980 Reunions
Plan a Class of 1980 Reunion for Free
Leigh Class of 1980 Reunion
Invited Classes: 1979, 1980, 1981
Date: Aug 19, 2022
Description: Hi, Classmates! Here's the link to our reunion website: https://www.eventcreate.com/e/leigh1980?fbclid=IwAR0ZS2Bh7Dnsz...(read more)
Leigh High BAND Reunion - all years
Invited Classes: All Classes
Date: Aug 06, 2016
Description: Hosted by former band director, Jim Gerard's daughter (Natha Gerard Kelly, Sandra Burkitt, Sue DiVita and Ann Woodruff, ...(read more)
Leigh Class of 1980 35-Year Reunion
Invited Classes: 1980
Date: Sep 12, 2015
Description: Bring: Potluck item (serve ready) to share Your beverage of choice Provided: Music, ambiance, plates, cutlery, cups,...(read more)
Leigh Class of 1980 35-Year Reunion
Invited Classes: 1980
Date: Sep 12, 2015
Description: SAVE THE DATE 9/12/15 - We hope you can make it to our 35-year reunion. Please be sure to let our classmates who are not...(read more)
Dinner with Leigh Football Coach Pete Galloni
Invited Classes: All Classes
Date: May 16, 2009
Description: A dinner, dutch, with Coach Galloni, recognition to a great coach, a great man.