Lemon Bay High School Alumni

Englewood, Florida (FL)

AlumniClass Home  >  Florida  >  Lemon Bay High School  >  Class of 2000  >  Michelle Hertenlehner

Michelle Nelson (Michelle Hertenlehner)

Lemon Bay High School
Class of 2000

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→ There are 45 classes, starting with the class of 1967 all the way up to class of 2023.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Michelle
Last Name Nelson
Maiden Name Hertenlehner
Graduation Year Class of 2000
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province CO
Country United States
Occupation Military clothing supply manager
Married Yes
No photo uploaded

Class of 2000 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 15 class of 2000 alumni that have joined.

John Broschart

John Broschart
Class of 1995

Alex Joseph

Alex Joseph
Class of 1986

Nicole Remball

Nicole Remball
Class of 1997

Shawn Milliken

Shawn Milliken
Class of 1984

Sally Pearson

Sally Pearson
Class of 1983

Frank Silvia

Frank Silvia
Class of 2007

Robert Doyle

Robert Doyle
Class of 1984

Samantha Castellano

Samantha Castellano
Class of 1999

Carolyn Holt

Carolyn Holt
Class of 1982

Randall Schultz

Randall Schultz
Class of 1994

Diana Mcguire

Diana Mcguire
Class of 1971

Joe Weese

Joe Weese
Class of 2008

John John W Bellardino

John John W Bellardino
Class of 1999

Lisa Farrar

Lisa Farrar
Class of 1995

Judyth Bartels

Judyth Bartels
Class of 1983

Antonio Wade

Antonio Wade
Class of 2012

Shelly Harper

Shelly Harper
Class of 1984

Lindsey Matz

Lindsey Matz
Class of 1998

Hope Anderson

Hope Anderson
Class of 1994

Alex Christe

Alex Christe
Class of 1995

David Luscomb

David Luscomb
Class of 1972

Joe Lewis

Joe Lewis
Class of 2000

Peter Strom

Peter Strom
Class of 2005

Lindsay Merrill

Lindsay Merrill
Class of 2002