Lincoln High School Alumni

Sioux Falls, South Dakota (SD)

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Amile Veldkamp (Amile Mcchesney)

Lincoln High School
Class of 1991

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→ There are 65 classes, starting with the class of 1947 all the way up to class of 2024.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Amile
Last Name Veldkamp
Maiden Name Mcchesney
Graduation Year Class of 1991
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province SD
Country United States
Occupation Mom and RN
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory friends
About Me learned a lot of life lessons, grown up
No photo uploaded

Class of 1991 Alumni

→ Reunite with 35 class of 1991 alumni that have joined.

James Baack

James Baack
Class of 1978

Peggy Francis

Peggy Francis
Class of 1988

Colleen Duncan

Colleen Duncan
Class of 1979

Carrie Colbert Thurman

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Class of 1998

Jeremy Jones

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Class of 2001

Lori Hoop

Lori Hoop
Class of 1979

Robb Meert

Robb Meert
Class of 1989

Ronald Peters

Ronald Peters
Class of 1967

Kristi Long

Kristi Long
Class of 1980

Scott Underberg

Scott Underberg
Class of 1986

Debbie Entringer

Debbie Entringer
Class of 1971

Amber Sappingfield

Amber Sappingfield
Class of 1998

Tracy Guthmiller Guthmiller

Tracy Guthmiller Guthmiller
Class of 1986

Tammy Olson

Tammy Olson
Class of 1975

Carolyn Meyer

Carolyn Meyer
Class of 1979

Grace Peterson

Grace Peterson
Class of 2008

Lori Bryner

Lori Bryner
Class of 1979

Mark McDonnel

Mark McDonnel
Class of 1983

Paula Spang

Paula Spang
Class of 1974

Hiedi Eatrim

Hiedi Eatrim
Class of 1997

Devon Oneal

Devon Oneal
Class of 1988

Rachel Worley

Rachel Worley
Class of 2000

Robbi Underberg

Robbi Underberg
Class of 1989

Joni Wiese

Joni Wiese
Class of 1972