Lloyd High School Alumni

Erlanger, Kentucky (KY)

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Amanda Simms (Amanda Leek)

Lloyd High School
Class of 2000

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No photo uploaded
First Name Amanda
Last Name Simms
Maiden Name Leek
Graduation Year Class of 2000
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province KY
Country United States
Occupation 2nd grade Teacher
Married Yes
About Me I went to college. I married my high school sweetheart Adam. I started teaching the 2nd Grade in 2004-2005. I recently had my first daughter, Addison, in December.
No photo uploaded

Class of 2000 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 25 class of 2000 alumni that have joined.

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Robert Barrett
Class of 1970

Tracie Callahan

Tracie Callahan
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Wayne Buckley

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Class of 1962

Phillip Thomas

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Class of 2001

Stacey Hamilton

Stacey Hamilton
Class of 1996

Ernie Brady

Ernie Brady
Class of 1979

William Bruegge

William Bruegge
Class of 1981

Mark Edwards

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Class of 1988

Whitney Hendricks

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Class of 1987

Melissa Hungler-brock

Melissa Hungler-brock
Class of 1984

Scott Beschman

Scott Beschman
Class of 1986

Ronald Mchargue

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Class of 1965

Norma Crim

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Class of 1984

Jennifer Simons

Jennifer Simons
Class of 1998

Dean Monfort

Dean Monfort
Class of 1980

Chrissi Sallee

Chrissi Sallee
Class of 2008

Don Dooley

Don Dooley
Class of 1979

Tim Hageman

Tim Hageman
Class of 1982

Joshua Mccowan

Joshua Mccowan
Class of 2001

Mike Reaves

Mike Reaves
Class of 1996

Sheridan Tabar

Sheridan Tabar
Class of 1999

Thomas Connley

Thomas Connley
Class of 1982

John Zuziak

John Zuziak
Class of 1997

Dennis Bailey

Dennis Bailey
Class of 1971