Lloyd High School Alumni

Erlanger, Kentucky (KY)

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Julie Rachford

Lloyd High School
Class of 1987

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→ There are 70 classes, starting with the class of 1940 all the way up to class of 2018.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Julie
Last Name Rachford
Graduation Year Class of 1987
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province KY
Country United States
Occupation Teacher
Married No
Favorite School Memory Mrs. Mitchell signing Jim Hanas' "License to Kill"
About Me Graduated from university multiple times, and now I have 400 children.
No photo uploaded

Class of 1987 Alumni

→ Reunite with 44 class of 1987 alumni that have joined.

Michael Phillips

Michael Phillips
Class of 2007

Ryan Harrison

Ryan Harrison
Class of 1993

Terry Collis

Terry Collis
Class of 1957

Michael Kramer

Michael Kramer
Class of 1973

Donna Fulton

Donna Fulton
Class of 1966

Amy Steenken

Amy Steenken
Class of 1996

Brian Hart

Brian Hart
Class of 1986

Joshua Riffle

Joshua Riffle
Class of 1998

Jennifer Rex

Jennifer Rex
Class of 1987

Dennis Bailey

Dennis Bailey
Class of 1971

Francesca Vogelpohl

Francesca Vogelpohl
Class of 1999

Kim Freiermuth

Kim Freiermuth
Class of 1977

Christopher Curry

Christopher Curry
Class of 1991

Phillip Thomas

Phillip Thomas
Class of 2001

Claudia Lucas

Claudia Lucas
Class of 1971

Sandy Shoes

Sandy Shoes
Class of 1989

Jeffrey Lape

Jeffrey Lape
Class of 1969

Tamara Wilcoxson

Tamara Wilcoxson
Class of 1988

Michael Mulligan

Michael Mulligan
Class of 1972

Joshua Gott

Joshua Gott
Class of 1998

Susan Cummings

Susan Cummings
Class of 1975

Joshua Mccowan

Joshua Mccowan
Class of 2001

Shiloh Kitz

Shiloh Kitz
Class of 2002

Shelly Masden

Shelly Masden
Class of 1995