Locke High School Alumni

Los Angeles, California (CA)

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Alesha Denard

Locke High School
Class of 1998

→ Join 1927 Alumni from Locke High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 51 classes, starting with the class of 1968 all the way up to class of 2022.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Alesha
Last Name Denard
Graduation Year Class of 1998
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province CA
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1998 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 23 class of 1998 alumni that have joined.

Deandre Jackson

Deandre Jackson
Class of 1992

David Martin

David Martin
Class of 1999

Candace Fortier

Candace Fortier
Class of 1977

Cynthia Dorn

Cynthia Dorn
Class of 1981

Michael Fizer

Michael Fizer
Class of 2001

Rosie Haynes

Rosie Haynes
Class of 1969

Ju Brown

Ju Brown
Class of 1978

Devora Heyward

Devora Heyward
Class of 1999

Danny Rivera

Danny Rivera
Class of 2009

Danny Cortez

Danny Cortez
Class of 1971

George Garcia

George Garcia
Class of 1978

Gail Hasting

Gail Hasting
Class of 1980

Geneva Lyons

Geneva Lyons
Class of 1990

Daniel Alexander

Daniel Alexander
Class of 2005

Eric Eric

Eric Eric
Class of 1979

Levell Mcclain

Levell Mcclain
Class of 1995

Billy Day

Billy Day
Class of 1974

Elsa Calderon

Elsa Calderon
Class of 1980

Darryl Davis

Darryl Davis
Class of 1981

Devinea Varnado

Devinea Varnado
Class of 2008

Bobby Wayne

Bobby Wayne
Class of 1979

Johnny Johnson    Jr.

Johnny Johnson Jr.
Class of 1976

Tori Brown

Tori Brown
Class of 1998

Winnetta Curry

Winnetta Curry
Class of 1976