Lomira High School Alumni

Lomira, Wisconsin (WI)

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Amy Bloch (Amy Luedtke)

Lomira High School
Class of 1989

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→ There are 61 classes, starting with the class of 1938 all the way up to class of 2023.


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Amy Luedtke - Class of 1989 - Lomira High School
First Name Amy
Last Name Bloch
Maiden Name Luedtke
Graduation Year Class of 1989
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WI
Country United States
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Homecoming 1988
About Me Nothing to exciting.
Amy Luedtke - Class of 1989 - Lomira High School

Class of 1989 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 13 class of 1989 alumni that have joined.

Gregory Gasper

Gregory Gasper
Class of 1983

Lisa Gilson

Lisa Gilson
Class of 1989

Shari Scheberl

Shari Scheberl
Class of 1983

Dennis Petri

Dennis Petri
Class of 1997

Tom Guay

Tom Guay
Class of 1983

Tiffany Stiller

Tiffany Stiller
Class of 2002

Kim Demunn

Kim Demunn
Class of 1984

Becky Wondra

Becky Wondra
Class of 1994

Jeff Zwieschowski

Jeff Zwieschowski
Class of 1992

Kevin Zimmel

Kevin Zimmel
Class of 1970

Stacy Serwe

Stacy Serwe
Class of 1996

Sandi Sauer

Sandi Sauer
Class of 1969

Christopher Galow

Christopher Galow
Class of 1986

Shelly Weise

Shelly Weise
Class of 1990

Jan Steffen

Jan Steffen
Class of 1984

Jewel Bauer

Jewel Bauer
Class of 2010

Ryan Wiedmeyer

Ryan Wiedmeyer
Class of 1998

Michael Krajewski

Michael Krajewski
Class of 1976

Dawn Brown

Dawn Brown
Class of 1985

John Wearing

John Wearing
Class of 1999

Leila Butcher

Leila Butcher
Class of 1979

Sandy Sabel

Sandy Sabel
Class of 1982

Sarah Lerch

Sarah Lerch
Class of 1995

Jennifer Maxwell

Jennifer Maxwell
Class of 1991