Loyalsock Twp High School Alumni

Williamsport, Pennsylvania (PA)

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Joeann Himmelreich (Joeann Gatz)

Loyalsock Twp High School
Class of 1978

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Joeann Gatz - Class of 1978 - Loyalsock Twp High School
First Name Joeann
Last Name Himmelreich
Maiden Name Gatz
Graduation Year Class of 1978
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province PA
Country United States
Occupation Williamsport properties
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Art Class, friends & some teachers
About Me married 30 years, 3 children & 4 grandchildren, owned a business, brought land in Sullivan county,
Joeann Gatz - Class of 1978 - Loyalsock Twp High School

Class of 1978 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 28 class of 1978 alumni that have joined.

Brandon Bigelow

Brandon Bigelow
Class of 2001

Mike Sweet

Mike Sweet
Class of 1973

Deanna Montis

Deanna Montis
Class of 1974

Douglas Musheno

Douglas Musheno
Class of 1992

Raphel Jenkins

Raphel Jenkins
Class of 1997

John N Gair Jr Gair  Jr

John N Gair Jr Gair Jr
Class of 1978

Rebecca Preston

Rebecca Preston
Class of 1990

Steven Biber

Steven Biber
Class of 1975

Patricia Bausinger

Patricia Bausinger
Class of 1979

Walter Kaiser

Walter Kaiser
Class of 1966

Becky Noll

Becky Noll
Class of 1984

Beth Donovan

Beth Donovan
Class of 1985

Dennis Ruddy

Dennis Ruddy
Class of 1969

Wendy Neufer

Wendy Neufer
Class of 1997

Kelly William

Kelly William
Class of 2007

Thomas Thomas Quinn

Thomas Thomas Quinn
Class of 1963

Debra Stein

Debra Stein
Class of 1967

Kathryn (kay) Myers

Kathryn (kay) Myers
Class of 1962

Marci Folk

Marci Folk
Class of 2001

Mary Alison Miele

Mary Alison Miele
Class of 1982

Daniel Young

Daniel Young
Class of 1968

John Smith

John Smith
Class of 1971

David Koch

David Koch
Class of 1970

Kelly Young

Kelly Young
Class of 1992