Ludington High School Alumni

Ludington, Michigan (MI)

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Brad North

Ludington High School
Class of 1994

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No photo uploaded
First Name Brad
Last Name North
Graduation Year Class of 1994
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province 49417
Country United States
Occupation Engineer
Married Divorced
Favorite School Memory Hanging out on the weekends with the pals.
About Me Graduated college, had a daughter, developed a solid career path.
No photo uploaded

Class of 1994 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 29 class of 1994 alumni that have joined.

Jodi Miney

Jodi Miney
Class of 1988

Margot L. Lagesen

Margot L. Lagesen
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Justin Murphy

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Class of 2000

Amber Stokely

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Class of 1991

Allan Vest

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Class of 1989

Lisa Micetic

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Class of 1982

Sarah Bissell

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Class of 2001

Fred Wilson

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Class of 1979

Darrel Parsons

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Class of 1965

Floyd Tetzlaff

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Class of 1987

Donna Bellgardt

Donna Bellgardt
Class of 1967

Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson
Class of 2007

Tiffany Cadey

Tiffany Cadey
Class of 1991

Cody Harrison

Cody Harrison
Class of 2003

Elizabeth Rooney

Elizabeth Rooney
Class of 1983

Renee Bussey

Renee Bussey
Class of 1982

Karen Seymour

Karen Seymour
Class of 1998

Dana Porrata

Dana Porrata
Class of 1980

Julianne Peterson

Julianne Peterson
Class of 2001

Karen Hulth

Karen Hulth
Class of 1960

Megan Moore

Megan Moore
Class of 1998

Ward Stever

Ward Stever
Class of 1993

Thomasa Miller

Thomasa Miller
Class of 2004

Sharen Brye

Sharen Brye
Class of 1965