Ludlow High School Alumni
Ludlow, Massachusetts (MA)
Ludlow High School - Class of 1987 Alumni
Join 48 alumni from Ludlow High School Class of 1987. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Ricky Goulette
Class of 1987

Elaine Howes
Class of 1987

Amy Lamontagne
Class of 1987

Jill Yando
Class of 1987

Lisa Corbin
Class of 1987

Christine Sanford
Class of 1987

Theresa Gaudreau
Class of 1987

Ricky Goulette
Class of 1987

Mark Papuga
Class of 1987

Nancy Tunis
Class of 1987

Cyndii Jenkins
Class of 1987

David Carrington
Class of 1987

Lisa Vital
Class of 1987

Domingos Goncalves
Class of 1987

Pamela Socha
Class of 1987

Christopher Koss
Class of 1987

Kelli Chenaille
Class of 1987

Jose Saraiva
Class of 1987

Dave Salvador
Class of 1987

Ana Magalhaes
Class of 1987

Gina Fontoura
Class of 1987

Allan Zielinski
Class of 1987

Cathy Rousseau
Class of 1987

Karen Koss
Class of 1987

Daniel Joao
Class of 1987

Luis Branco
Class of 1987

Phil Correia
Class of 1987

Dianne Salvador
Class of 1987

Kelly Lord
Class of 1987

Zachariah "tung" Bui
Class of 1987

Tracie Boyer
Class of 1987

Shelly Echols
Class of 1987

Todd Flanders
Class of 1987

Anissa Dearness
Class of 1987

Mario Goncalves
Class of 1987

Peter Morrison
Class of 1987

Carol-ann Adam
Class of 1987

D Christofori
Class of 1987

Mike Roncarati
Class of 1987

Martha Scott
Class of 1987

Lynn Dacruz
Class of 1987

Amy Lamontagne
Class of 1987

Scott Macneil
Class of 1987

David Garcia
Class of 1987

Christine N/a
Class of 1987

Dan Lafortune
Class of 1987

Ana Paula Ganhao
Class of 1987

Grace Goncalves
Class of 1987
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43 classmates have joined