Luther L. Wright High School Alumni
Ironwood, Michigan (MI)
Luther L. Wright High School - Class of 1962 Alumni, Ironwood MI
Join 16 alumni from Luther L. Wright High School Class of 1962. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Bob Brody
Class of 1962

Joe Riggs
Class of 1962

John Wyzlic
Class of 1962

Dennis Briar
Class of 1962

Jane Medenwaldt
Class of 1962

Eileen Bank
Class of 1962

Eileen Bank Meltzer
Class of 1962

Nancy Wenberg
Class of 1962

Roberta Mccauley
Class of 1962

John Kasmarick
Class of 1962

Susan Albert
Class of 1962

Russell Kilponen
Class of 1962

Colleen Blaisdell
Class of 1962

Richard Talo
Class of 1962

Dennis Briar
Class of 1962

Skip Peterson
Class of 1962
Nearby Luther L. Wright Classmates
Class of 1960
16 classmates have joined
Class of 1961
18 classmates have joined
Class of 1963
15 classmates have joined
Class of 1964
17 classmates have joined