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Madison Consolidated High School Class Reunion


September 15th, 2012


Riverboat Inn - 906 East 1st Street - Madison, IN 47250 - (812) 265-2361

Invited Classes


About Event

The Way We Are Reunion Don Bickers is heading up the reunion and has sent up a website for the reunion. Go to to sign up or email me and I will get you the information. We are still missing 56 percent of our classmate. Pre Reunion Events: - Monday thru Wednesday - open - we want to take at least one day to gather up boats and take a cruise on the river for a day of frolic and fun. Let Don Bickers know if you want to join us. Thursday - take a ride on the Trolley. We will be visiting local wineries and taking a wine tasting trip. Friday morning - golfers can sign up and we will be having a golf outing. Bring your clubs and show us what you got. Friday evening - there is a band playing at the fountain on Broadway. After the band is done, we'll be meeting at the Broadway Hotel and see if we still got what it takes to close them down. Reunion – Saturday -Times and events to be announced as they become available!!!!!!

Class Reunion
Reunion Committee

M. Jane Staub '71

M. Jane Staub '71

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel