Manatee High School Alumni

Manatee, Florida (FL)

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Willis Gamble (Willis Klossner)

Manatee High School
Class of 1993

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No photo uploaded
First Name Willis
Last Name Gamble
Maiden Name Klossner
Graduation Year Class of 1993
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province FL
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1993 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 23 class of 1993 alumni that have joined.

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Class of 1999

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Bruce Balcom

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Stacie Campbell

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Class of 1983

Vivian Alderman

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Class of 1979

Arthur Ellis

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Class of 1992

Sally Dykes

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Class of 1970

David Brachey

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Class of 1961

John Art

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Class of 2000

Roseann Jagla

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Christopher Wenzel

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Class of 1983

Angela Squires

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Class of 1988

Bliff Tannen

Bliff Tannen
Class of 2004

Wylie Cyote

Wylie Cyote
Class of 1967

Sara Ackles

Sara Ackles
Class of 1961

Karen (kaye) Sneary

Karen (kaye) Sneary
Class of 1959

Robert Desear Iii

Robert Desear Iii
Class of 1961

Zujei Crispin

Zujei Crispin
Class of 2009

Josh Austin

Josh Austin
Class of 1994

Janice Hooker

Janice Hooker
Class of 1966

Kayla Morgan

Kayla Morgan
Class of 2001

Evangeline Rentz

Evangeline Rentz
Class of 1983

Tammy Wilson

Tammy Wilson
Class of 1993

Tara Lorenzetti

Tara Lorenzetti
Class of 1994