Manteca High School Alumni

Manteca, California (CA)

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Eugene Branaugh

Manteca High School
Class of 1959

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First Name Eugene
Last Name Branaugh
Graduation Year Class of 1959
Gender Male
City N/A
State/Province FL
Country United States
Occupation Retired, Prosthetist
Married Yes
Favorite School Memory Meeting Diane (Winston) and the fun I had along with the carefree lifestyle that I was not smart enoughg to appreciate
About Me Joined the Navy and about a year later married Diane (Winston). We have two children and four grandchildren, two Great Grandchildren. Came back to Manteca in 1963 but missed the Navy so we reinlisted in 1966, in 1978 I was Discharged with 50% service connected disabilities. In 1981 went to Delta and received my AA degree and then transferred to Sac State and received my BA degree in 1985. I then went to UCLA for a year and received my certificate in Prosthetics. In 1987 I became Nationaly Certified as a Prosthetist. I worked in privater practice, for the Navy at Oak Noll in Oakland, the VA in San Francisco, the VA transfered me to Gainesville Florida and that is wher...(read more)
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