Marcus Whitman High School Alumni

Rushville, New York (NY)

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Wendy Wells (Wendy Dame)

Marcus Whitman High School
Class of 1988

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→ There are 53 classes, starting with the class of 1925 all the way up to class of 2015.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Wendy
Last Name Wells
Maiden Name Dame
Graduation Year Class of 1988
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province NY
Country United States
Occupation Several, I have 3 jobs
Married Yes
About Me Divorced my high school boyfriend, remarried, had children and step-children, work-work-work and just live my life (going by so quickly once I graduated).
No photo uploaded

Class of 1988 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 11 class of 1988 alumni that have joined.

Michelle Bruce Coates

Michelle Bruce Coates
Class of 1988

Lori Mortensen

Lori Mortensen
Class of 1979

Stephanie Turner

Stephanie Turner
Class of 2000

Josh Stevens

Josh Stevens
Class of 2000

Sandra Jackson

Sandra Jackson
Class of 1989

Lisette Giguere

Lisette Giguere
Class of 1990

Joseph Brant

Joseph Brant
Class of 1998

Daniel Cramer

Daniel Cramer
Class of 1998

Susan Gatta

Susan Gatta
Class of 1973

Tiffany Bounds

Tiffany Bounds
Class of 1993

Scott Alcock

Scott Alcock
Class of 1982

Robin Anderson

Robin Anderson
Class of 1997

Heather Dann

Heather Dann
Class of 1992

Darlene Davie

Darlene Davie
Class of 1976

Mary Jones

Mary Jones
Class of 1986

Karen Karen Smith

Karen Karen Smith
Class of 1979

Charles Davenport

Charles Davenport
Class of 1995

Joanne Somers

Joanne Somers
Class of 1980

Rebecca Kent

Rebecca Kent
Class of 1985

Fredco Inxly

Fredco Inxly
Class of 1980

Kelly Gorton

Kelly Gorton
Class of 1988

Jeannine Chabot

Jeannine Chabot
Class of 1991

Alexandre Nhancale

Alexandre Nhancale
Class of 1984

Charles Glaser

Charles Glaser
Class of 1976