Maryvale High School Alumni
Cheektowaga, New York (NY)
Linda Wutz (Linda Burns)
Maryvale High School
Class of 1968
→ Join 2828 Alumni from Maryvale High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 68 classes, starting with the class of 1944 all the way up to class of 2021.
First Name | Linda |
Last Name | Wutz |
Maiden Name | Burns |
Graduation Year | Class of 1968 |
Gender | Female |
City | N/A |
State/Province | NY |
Country | United States |
Occupation | Executive Assistant |
Married | Widowed |
Class of 1968 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 25 class of 1968 alumni that have joined.
Jerame Dellapenta
Class of 1994
Brittany Depczynski
Class of 2015
Nicole Nowak
Class of 1988
Barb Wulf
Class of 1984
Cynthia Dungan
Class of 1981
David Widlak
Class of 1976
Jayden Selapack
Class of 2018
Claudia Clark
Class of 1961
Bill Marcolivio
Class of 1975
Ryan Vallery
Class of 2002
Maryann Lorenzo
Class of 1969
Jack Drozdowski
Class of 1979
Jackie Doepp
Class of 1971
Joseph Maxwell
Class of 2009
Kendra Culp
Class of 1992
Curtis Bard
Class of 1962
Dawn Marie
Class of 1996
Robert S. Moscato
Class of 1997
Brian Jirak
Class of 1987
Bill Whitte
Class of 1971
Kim Yarling
Class of 1975
Diane Peacock
Class of 1974
Janet Martens
Class of 1983
Jennifer Schwab
Class of 1989