Maryvale High School Alumni
Cheektowaga, New York (NY)
Lisa Severa (Lisa Cielencki)
Maryvale High School
Class of 1980
→ Join 2828 Alumni from Maryvale High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 68 classes, starting with the class of 1944 all the way up to class of 2021.
First Name | Lisa |
Last Name | Severa |
Maiden Name | Cielencki |
Graduation Year | Class of 1980 |
Gender | Female |
City | N/A |
State/Province | GA |
Country | United States |
Occupation | Registered Nurse |
Married | Yes |
About Me | Lived in AZ for 10 years, moved back to Buffalo for 19 long, cold months! Have been in suburban Atlanta for the past 16 years. Married to a fantastic guys and have 2 pretty good kids! |
Class of 1980 Alumni
→ Reunite with 64 class of 1980 alumni that have joined.
Laura Wohlert
Class of 1976
Donna Bradfield
Class of 1980
Brian Brian Ralston
Class of 2011
Mike Sansone
Class of 1965
Haeart Marybeth
Class of 2006
Gordon Prentis
Class of 1971
Mike Charlebois
Class of 2002
Chris Nowak
Class of 1988
Michael Buechi
Class of 1988
Erika Schaefer
Class of 2000
Pamela Fichtner
Class of 1979
Kevin Barlow
Class of 1983
Karen Schmerbach
Class of 1981
Christina Yetto
Class of 1990
Eric Hyzy
Class of 1984
Lisa Goldsmith
Class of 1980
Tom Wendling
Class of 1990
Deb Zurek
Class of 1970
Donna Reade
Class of 1974
Charlene Georger
Class of 1964
Todd Falkiewicz
Class of 1990
Dominic Spano
Class of 1978
Scott Gale
Class of 1985
Chris Demarzio
Class of 1980