Maryvale High School Alumni
Cheektowaga, New York (NY)
Tricia Palmeri (Tricia Savage)
Maryvale High School
Class of 1993
→ Join 2828 Alumni from Maryvale High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 68 classes, starting with the class of 1944 all the way up to class of 2021.
First Name | Tricia |
Last Name | Palmeri |
Maiden Name | Savage |
Graduation Year | Class of 1993 |
Gender | Female |
City | N/A |
State/Province | NY |
Country | United States |
Occupation | Mortgatge Analyst |
Married | Yes |
Class of 1993 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 23 class of 1993 alumni that have joined.
Linda Pritchard
Class of 1968
Kimberly Szramka
Class of 1985
Susan Galli
Class of 1965
Kathie Hauser
Class of 1979
Janine Schmitt
Class of 1988
John Kunert
Class of 1975
Fred Laurich
Class of 1976
Jack Drozdowski
Class of 1979
Bridget Snyder
Class of 1978
Faith Hill
Class of 1975
Linda Sivick
Class of 1976
Debbie Imiolo
Class of 1986
Claudia Clark
Class of 1961
Melanie Bechtel Kolek
Class of 1996
Gary -
Class of 1960
Kevin Barlow
Class of 1983
Lisa Dibello
Class of 1988
David Weller
Class of 1988
Bonnie Hawbaker
Class of 1974
Linda Szubinski
Class of 1976
William Vargo
Class of 1980
Debra Wesolowski
Class of 1976
Jenn O'connel
Class of 1962
Mike Sacilowski
Class of 1983