Meadowbrook High School Class Of 1965 Reunion Banquet
October 10th, 2015
Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center
7033 Glenn Highway
, Cambridge
, Ohio
, 43725
October 10th, 2015
Pritchard Laughlin Civic Center
7033 Glenn Highway
, Cambridge
, Ohio
, 43725
Terri Kenney '65 said:
The MHS 1965 reunion committee is in the process of securing and completing the address list for class members. We have been very successful, however, we have a few remaining class members that we are unable to locate addresses for. The names are listed below. If you know the address of any of these persons, please send it to me in a private message on my Facebook page. It would be helpful if you post this notice on your FB page and ask your friends to post it on their FB page as well, so that we can get the word out to as many people as possible and hopefully find contact information for all of our classmates. Thanks for your help with this project. The names of our '65 classmates with unknown addresses are:
Tony Caruso
Marilyn Davis Huntsman
David Spring
Jeanne Lonca
Carroll McClelland
John Powers
Roger King
Bonnie Williamson
Report a ProblemTerri Kenney '65 said:
See the photo of alumni attending our recent commitee meeting.
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