Medical Lake High School Alumni

Medical Lake, Washington (WA)

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Pam Tatosky (Pam Goodlake)

Medical Lake High School
Class of 1975

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First Name Pam
Last Name Tatosky
Maiden Name Goodlake
Graduation Year Class of 1975
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WA
Country United States
Occupation Buyer
Married Widowed
About Me During college, I worked for Washington Inventory Service, eventually leaving college for fulltime employment which involved traveling several weeks during the year on the road with various inventory crews. I stayed with them until 1990 then began working for Spokane Public Schools - will final...(read more)
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Class of 1975 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 26 class of 1975 alumni that have joined.

Michelle Dibartolo

Michelle Dibartolo
Class of 1994

April Hammond

April Hammond
Class of 1999

Heather Lewandowsky

Heather Lewandowsky
Class of 1999

Jennifer List

Jennifer List
Class of 1997

Brandon Fuqua

Brandon Fuqua
Class of 1999

Loren Loren Stimson

Loren Loren Stimson
Class of 2001

Mindy Hill

Mindy Hill
Class of 1973

Tria Tschirley

Tria Tschirley
Class of 1997

Peter Burnett

Peter Burnett
Class of 1958

Trician Nilles

Trician Nilles
Class of 1988

Shea'lyn Pruitt

Shea'lyn Pruitt
Class of 1995

Tim Rosendahl

Tim Rosendahl
Class of 1995

Shawn Kaufman

Shawn Kaufman
Class of 1986

Angela Hanson

Angela Hanson
Class of 1986

June Clark

June Clark
Class of 1954

Carol League

Carol League
Class of 1968

Tony Cobb

Tony Cobb
Class of 1977

David Cassels

David Cassels
Class of 1995

Kathy Owen

Kathy Owen
Class of 1971

Diane Amend

Diane Amend
Class of 1982

Rachel Emerson

Rachel Emerson
Class of 1999

Christine (tina) Majewski

Christine (tina) Majewski
Class of 1975

Teri Dejanovich

Teri Dejanovich
Class of 1975

Karen Hastings

Karen Hastings
Class of 1989