Medical Lake High School Alumni

Medical Lake, Washington (WA)

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Sandy Rohrich (Sandy Wood)

Medical Lake High School
Class of 1963

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→ There are 64 classes, starting with the class of 1935 all the way up to class of 2021.


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No photo uploaded
First Name Sandy
Last Name Rohrich
Maiden Name Wood
Graduation Year Class of 1963
Gender Female
City N/A
State/Province WA
Country United States
No photo uploaded

Class of 1963 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes

→ Reunite with 16 class of 1963 alumni that have joined.

Shea'lyn Pruitt

Shea'lyn Pruitt
Class of 1995

Heidi Oliver

Heidi Oliver
Class of 1978

Todd Kenreck

Todd Kenreck
Class of 1995

Keley Hill

Keley Hill
Class of 1985

Tricia Hodgson

Tricia Hodgson
Class of 1988

James Lambert

James Lambert
Class of 1986

Timothy Mcbroom

Timothy Mcbroom
Class of 1983

Mary Rathbun

Mary Rathbun
Class of 1988

Bob Van Aken

Bob Van Aken
Class of 1979

Kelli Kaplan

Kelli Kaplan
Class of 1996

Michael Proulx

Michael Proulx
Class of 1988

Alice Moran

Alice Moran
Class of 1983

Rory Morren

Rory Morren
Class of 1977

Jason Gausta

Jason Gausta
Class of 2000

Brittany Jackson

Brittany Jackson
Class of 2002

Krista Nichols

Krista Nichols
Class of 1990

Michael Moseley

Michael Moseley
Class of 1978

Jamie Madnick

Jamie Madnick
Class of 1999

Kent Black

Kent Black
Class of 1980

Mary Rupert

Mary Rupert
Class of 2005

Marissa Wilkie

Marissa Wilkie
Class of 2002

Tim Deman

Tim Deman
Class of 1989

Scott Christenson

Scott Christenson
Class of 1981

Kelli Imel

Kelli Imel
Class of 1979